
Happy Happy Birthday!

Wow – Celese, Danielle, and James did an amazing job on my cube today!As you may know … I was an Alpha Xi Delta in college. Well if you ask a sister they will tell you that they are an Alpha Xi for life. Ummmm okay well anyhoo …

Celese did not miss a single detail. From the blue and gold to the bear she nailed it!And they also added some Hello Kitty in for good measure. Madison (Danielle’s daughter) sent me a Hello Kitty pen and notepad and Celese and Pat even gave me the same Hello Kitty card that Dave did this morning. Love it!

I love all animals but Hello Kitty is my fave! And I would take you out with a sorority song but I only remember the dirty ones and those are secret! I think we all know how well I can keep a secret too so ask me next time I see you and I will sing it for ya! :)


Anonymous said...

Price. Less.!!!!!!!

I'm glad your birthday started off with a bang! I can't wait to see you, have lots of hugs, catch up and celebrate! When did we become full-fledged thirty-somethings? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Is that what happens when you get older....you sit around and share hugs?!?!