
Happy Danielle Day!

Today is Administrative Professionals Day. In honor of that Celese and I made it Danielle Day!

Danielle does a lot for us … like she gives us pens, and laughs at our jokes, and once she even named a blue pen after me. I don’t even work in that department anymore but the people still order “Courtney pens”!

I know the term “Courtney pens” isn’t recognized by the Staples catalog and it’s not anything you can get at Costco online but you can get them here at Informa and that makes my life a little happier.

Oh wait – back to Danielle. Anyhoo, she also always has good candy and she will even save you the ones that not everyone has touched in the big bowl. She does a lot of other really important things here too that I could list and list but getting a non germy piece of candy around here is a really big deal.

Happy Danielle day Danielle and I hope we don’t get written up when you beat your piƱata! Celese and I think you are the bestest!!


As if I needed a reason ...

Today. I start my new Blog.

Why you ask? Because when my sister sent this to me last night Dave and I laughed for 10 straight minutes. If you ask Dave he will deny it and tell you how mean I am.

I am mean too ... and my head hurts from where the lightening struck. ;)

But I love these guys and I am in awe of their creativity and completely jealous I did not think of this first. F-ing awesome you guys!