

A lot has been going on lately but I have been lagging a bit on the blogging.

The most exciting thing that has happened is that my BFF EvilKate finally had her Evil Baby!

There will be a much better post about that soon but Welcome Stella Valentine! Stella will be very loved by maaaaaaaany friends and family. Dave and I flew up to meet her last weekend and I will post all the pics soon. She is a precious little bug and I am so happy she’s here!

In the meantime – I will share this awesome tidbit with you –

So Dave and I head to the Burbank Airport nice and early for our flight on Friday afternoon. When we get there we find out that our flight is 2 ½ hours late. Of course. So we settled in for a wait at the bar. I was keeping myself busy on my iphone when all of a sudden Dave says “Isn’t that Ian Ziering?” I was like WHAAAAAAAAT? I almost broke my neck to look - and sure enough – It. Was. As I live and breathe it was the real Steve Sanders. Ahhhhhh I felt like Brenda the first day she met Dylan. (And if you don’t know what I am talking about you may as well stop reading now – because this is about to get annoying.)

I immediately turned to Dave and asked him to take a picture of us and he said no way was he getting involved and I was like “Okay later!” And I ran over to ask. Also - Let me just say for the record that I see celebrities all the time and I never even so much as stare because I know they hate it. But this is Steve Sanders! And once I ate breakfast next to Luke Perry and never said anything and I totally regret it. So I did it. I went up to him and told him I was a HUGE 90210 fan and he kind of laughed and said “okay – I can appreciate that.” And then his friend took the picture. And here it is.Then I called Celese and we sang the theme song … and then I sang the theme song all night until I went to bed. At one point Dave said I could only sing it 2 more times before he was going to kill me but I kept going because my love for Steve is stronger than my fear of Dave. I have seen every episode of 9-0 there is and I am not the least bit embarrassed.

Donna Martin graduates!


Anonymous said...

I am still soooo jealous that you got to meet him and have the photographic evidence! KEG house! Brandon! The Peach Pit! Nate! AAUUGGGHHH!

ReGiNa said...

DUDE! I totally saw a preview for the Terminator:Sara something or other cronicles and guess who is in an episode...BRIAN AUSTON GREEN...oh yeah, that is right. David. I thought of you.