

Long time … no blog. And now I am El Sicko. Guess where I caught it?

Above is a photo of Piglet trying to save us from the evil humidifier.

I spent the weekend in bed coughing and watching reality TV on TiVo. 6 episodes of Run’s House! Thank goodness Rock of Love has a new season.

Ummmm when is the strike going to be over? Don’t get me wrong … I love Wife Swap but if this keeps up I might actually have to go to the gym or something to pass the time.


Danielle said...

Feel better, muffin! Make your husband bring you chicken noodle soup from Jerry's Deli. SO GOOOOOOD. ;)

EvilKate said...

Ahh, sounds like you caught the Black Lung. Hang in there! Hi to Piglet!