
Beach Bunnies!

This weekend Dave and I got Beach Cruisers!Dave insisted that I get a helmet. I didn’t want to because of fashion and stuff but he is making me.
Our convo last week regarding the helmet:
D: You have to get a helmet!
C: Don’t really want to.
D: What if you fall off and get a head injury? I don’t want to be married to a vegetable!
C: If that happens you can totally get a girlfriend. It’s okay with me as long as you just feed me and stuff.
D: No way! Because when I bring her home it will be awkward when I have to say “Hold on let me just turn Courtney’s wheelchair around so she can’t see.”
C: Fine. Then I am getting a basket and a bell and you can’t stop me.
D: Uhhhhh okay then.This is my shiny new bell!And both bikes totally fit in the car! I was pretty much smashed against the windshield but still. :)

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Those look AWESOME! I so want to ride one!