
Mr. Bluebird On My Shoulder ...

Ooooooooo I feel like Snow White. I bet you guys think I am just weird animal lady but I prefer to think of myself as Snow White. Oh hello there Mr. Bluejay – And Good Morning to you itsy bitsy spider and tiny hummingbirds.

Let me introduce you to Mr. McSquirrelson. This is our chatty neighborhood squirrel. And by chatty I mean that he screeches and yells at the cats through the sliding glass door! And then the cats sort or make a sound that sounds like “meep meep meep” and they look at me for help. ;) I assume he does it at everyone’s house because he is quite fat and probably eats his fair share of garbage and cat food.

Mr. McSquirrelson also reeeeeeeeeeeeeally likes sunflower seeds. So much so that he dumped the entire birdfeeder out, ate all the sunflower seeds, and just left us a pile of shells. And birdseed of course. So we went to Petco and got a “Squirrel Proof” birdfeeder block. (Try not to be jealous of our exciting shopping excursions.) So far I haven’t seen very many birds and this morning I found this!

Also – I would like to mention that I tried to take a picture through the window because I didn’t want to startle Mr. McSquirrelson and I wanted to get the shot. I needn’t have worried though because after I opened the door he just stared me down and then yelled at me. I think we know who’s in charge here. And it’s not Snow White … or the cats.


Unknown said...

Mr. McSquirrelson, You kick ass

Danielle said...

My dad captures squirrels in humane squirrel traps and then rides out to the wilderness and set them free. I shit you not.

Courtney said...

I sort of think that is awesome and I would totally do it! ;)