
It's Finally Legal!

Hey Everybody!

It’s fall (my favorite time of year) and it’s time to get my ass in gear and start blogging again. Katy challenged me to the one a day blog like she’s doing, so - I’m in! Even if no-one is reading I am totally in! Which is good because I have missed a lot of stuff that I have not blogged about! The most important being Dave’s Medieval Times birthday!

I will get to that but let’s get the obvious out of the way shall we?

Big D and I FINALLY got married. Man O Man … It took a while in between the planning and more planning but it finally happened.

So many friends and family came to share our special day … it is hard to even put into words how all of these special souls helped us. Not just with the wedding but with our journey there and with the marriage part. You know who you are.

So on with it! I would like to personally blog about everyone that did so much for us so here’s the deal – Along the way with my daily blogs (probably not counting weekends – I’m lazy) I think I will make it a different person as often as I can. In no particular order of course … because I could never choose and everyone is equally number one.

Well okay … everyone is number two … because Big D is number one. Simply because he married me and he cried at the ceremony. But number two is a great f-ing spot.

1 comment:

EvilKate said...

BEST WEDDING EVAR!! It was gorgeous and fun and I wish I didn't have to be sober. Ps. who is this "Katy" you speak of?

