
I Don't Know But I've Been Told ...

I just wanted to say goodbye to everyone. I have done something that may or may not kill me. For real people. I signed up for Morning Bootcamp with Dave and my friend Erin.

I wanted to do it so bad that I talked to James and changed my work schedule. So starting Monday the 24th I will be spending three mornings a week at Northridge Park trying not to barf from one too many squats. And I told Dave that I was scared to barf and he was very supportive. He said “Oh you are SO GONNA barf!” Nice. :)But remember this picture? Ya … it hasn’t gone down that much. So I have to sweat at the park so I won’t be the fattest mom and/or pregnant lady on the block next year. Just keeping it real ya’ll.


Danielle said...

It may not have done down much, but if it's gone down at all, that's still progress!

Yeah, I have realized that - to reach my "goal" weight - I will need to do the exercising thing again. SIGH.

Can I borrow some of that motivation??

Best of luck! Don't hurt yourself! If you feel pukey, make sure you work out with SmartWater (as electrolytes) and always bring a banana!

It helps, trust me.

ReGiNa said...

I'm always scared of puking.