
I Heart Flipper

I love my job and here’s why –

Last week I had to fill out my portion of my review. This basically consists of listing my accomplishments, goals, etc. At the bottom of my portion there is a question about career plans or interests. It also asks if you would like to move to another location. My office is 10 minutes from the beach so ummmm no way. :) I also love my job and my boss.

So last week when I filled this out I wrote that unless I could be … say … a dolphin trainer or something I would be perfectly content staying right here in my current position. I cracked myself up emailed my review to my boss.

The next day I was at lunch with Danielle and I got an email forwarded to me on my iPhone from my boss (James). (Remember him? The guy with the candy corn in his nostrils.) The subject line said – “I just gave notice” My heart started beating really fast. I immediately had like a thousand questions. Mainly WTF? Then I read on …

I wanted to tell you to your face, but couldn’t quite bring myself to do it. This is easier.

I know I have been acting a little weird the last week, but I was offered another position that is an incredible opportunity AND it is closer to home so I just couldn’t pass it up.

I will be working at Six Flags Magic Mountain at their new Dolphin exhibit that opens this spring. I will be in a 6-week training program starting after Easter and will then assume the duties as Assistant to the head Dolphin Trainer. I am told that I will able to spend a lot of time in the tank, with the Dolphins, and there will be plenty of room for advancement (providing of course that the Dolphins like me).

Anyway, it’s been great. I’ll miss you.


Touché James! I totally fell for it and I was devastated. If James wasn’t my boss I would totally go work at the Gap or something.

1 comment:

Megan Harder said...

aw hell naw....dont you try to steal my dream job!