
Holy Shit! - Literally.

So there is a new diet pill on the market named Alli. And if you eat too much fat while taking the pill you have what the company calls an “Alli-oops”. Which means – you crap your pants.

Yes people - it makes you crap your pants!

What? The? F*&%? Is? Dieting? Coming? To?

In the story on MSNBC this morning there are a bunch of tips like - wear Depends, use infant diapers as a large pad, and wear dark pants. Ummmm how about just don’t eat a bunch of shit and tough it out like the rest of us on the treadmill in the dead of summer?

This is a direct quote from a user. Try not to barf –

It can strike any time — even in the early hours of the morning. One user writes: “Ya know how when you start moving around in the morning ya pass a little gas. Well, I did and then went into the bathroom and to my horror I had an orange river of grease running down my leg.”

I don’t even know what to say and I my friends, I am the Queen of TMI. An orange river of grease? Jesus!

On a lighter note - Mr. McSquirrelson was back in action this morning. This time I laughed out loud at him and he happily posed for a picture. I heart him! He is getting so fat! And he’s almost out of seeds. I have a sneaky suspicion that someday soon I will run into him making a bar-b-q sunflower seed run at 7-11. At least that’s the cartoon strip I have running through my head today.

Also - KROQ was playing the Beastie Boys License to Ill this morning when I got in the car. Nice!

What’s the time? It’s time to get Ill!

Dammit why does Ill look like 3 lines? Happy Friday Everybody!


Unknown said...

I think we are going to have to set up a Live Web Cam so we can check in on Mr. McSquirrelson throughout the day.

Anonymous said...

that is a beefy squirrel. I hope he's there when I come visit...