
Neighborhood of Make-Believe

I was going to post a blog today full of bad words and really unkind words for Washington Mutual. I was going to say how much I loathe them, how they have closed my accounts 4 times for “fraud” that they couldn’t explain, and that had nothing to do with me. Yesterday was a no good very bad day at the Berman house thanks to Washington Mutual.

The reason I say all this is because I was still really mad at Washington Mutual when I found out that today would have been Mr. Rogers 80th birthday. I love him and what he was all about and really … couldn’t we all use some of Mr. Rogers in our every day lives? So I’m going to just swallow it and move on…

So, let's make the most of this beautiful day
Since we're together we might as well say
Would you be mine, could you be mine
Won't you be my neighbor
Won't you please, won't you please
Please won't you be my neighbor

Happy Birthday Mr. RogersOh and P.S. - You haven't lived until you see the episode where Mr. Rogers takes you to the crayon factory. It's the best!

1 comment:

ReGiNa said...